About This Content A Cosplay Album for Tricolour Lovestory is custom-made for all fans, performed by smoking hot and famous cosplayers. Please keep in mind to control your urges, and STAY HYDRATED!!! Cosplayer: ✿ Violet Wen: 「糖果果Candy」 ✿ Daisy Mo: 「Kitaro_绮太郎」 ✿ Sunny Chih: 「妖糖–尤幽 」 Guide: After purchasing, the the album will be in the root folder, all the pictures are in Ultra-HD resolution. a09c17d780 Title: Tricolour Lovestory Cosplay AlbumGenre: Adventure, Casual, IndieDeveloper:HL-GalgamePublisher:SakuraGameRelease Date: 1 Feb, 2018 Tricolour Lovestory Cosplay Album Download Epic Games \u3010CREDIT\u3011 Violet: \u3010_\u7cd6\u679c\u679cCandy_\u3011Daisy: \u3010Kitaro_\u7eee\u592a\u90ce\u3011Sunny: \u3010\u5996\u7cd6-\u5c24\u5e7d\u3011Photographer: \u3010\u7f51\u7ba1\u83cc\u3011Producer: \u3010Air 'the Ruler of Galniverse' \u60a0\u4e45\u3011Contains a total of 83 cosplay pictures(11.8 megapixels). You'll end up downloading about 500mb. I'm not familiar with the Chinese cosplay scene. Kitaro_\u7eee\u592a\u90ce and _\u7cd6\u679c\u679cCandy_ had the same body type as in-game; \u5996\u7cd6-\u5c24\u5e7d is smaller than SunnyChich but I think she should have had this body type in game. VioletWen is much bigger in game but its fine if she had the same size as _\u7cd6\u679c\u679cCandy_.Never saw other games selling cosplay albums like this. I bought this game just to check what other games I could get from the promotion. I recommend this DLC if you bought Tricolour Lovestory and did not hate the experience of reading it.. holy\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665NUT!!!!. The pictures are nice. The free games link works, although the website did look really sketchy. Overall great for its price, even without the free games, since the girls themselves look quite nice as well.. Worth it if your into cosplaying girls.it's good for fapping isn't it?. Nietzche was right we stray further away from god everyday, but I like it. Plus Daisymo is waifu material with
Tricolour Lovestory Cosplay Album Download Epic Games