About This Game Age of Gladiators II: Rome is a single-player strategy game set in the twilight of the ancient Roman Republic; a violent and unpredictable time when gladiatorial games were nearing the height of their popularity. Hire scouts to scour the continent for potential prospects – once you have recruited your gladiators, you will need to manage their morale and personality while equipping them for battle. Recruit support staff, upgrade your gladiator school, collect bounties, research technologies, partake in side missions, and manage the wealth and reputation of your ludus as it grows each day.As your fighters win battles and increase in level, it will be up to you to decide how to focus their abilities by spending attribute, weapons, and expertise points. Compete, trade, and interact with other in-game owners as you advance through various cities of the empire before achieving enough fame to compete in the grand coliseum of Rome herself.Build your story. Build your empire.Features:Control your gladiators with the new 3D isometric turn-based combat system, where fights can have hundreds of different outcomes. Utilize different combat styles and abilities – employ unique ethnic abilities, salves that increase physical stats, and special equipment such as bandages, stim salts, and more.Construct a ludus to your exact specifications in order to maximize the efficiency of your operation. Hospitals, sparring mats, barracks, armories, workshops, and more. Gladiators are born with their own dynamically generated physical attributes, classes, and personalities. It is up to you to shape your gladiator into the most proficient killing machine possible. As your gladiators level up, they gain points to spend on their attributes, weapons training, and expertise. Expertise allows you to build and customize your fighter according to their appropriate strengths. Weapons training allows you to specialize your gladiator with a specific weapon. The physicality of your gladiators will increase or decrease with age, depending on if they are in their prime or declining.Hire trainers to help your gladiators level faster, doctors to keep them healthy, scouts to find new fighters, and blacksmiths to improve weapons and armor.Manage your gladiators carefully – their morale, greed, injuries, fatigue, weapons training, and more must be taken into account before sending them to battle.As your gladiators gain glory from battle, they will become more widely recognized and adored by the crowds. Win enough battles and they may even get voted into the pantheon of heroes after they retire (or die).Become a mogul outside of the arena. Purchase property for fame or businesses through which to further increase your fame across the empire.Rob caravans, guard wealthy land owners, assassinate your debt holders and more with the proactive mission system. Increase the odds of success by sending reliable gladiators on the mission as well. Lawfully aligned gladiators will only partake lawful missions, while criminally-inclined gladiators will assist in unlawful activities. Engage in five different branches of research: combat, medical, weapons, armor, and scouting. Search for deals on weapons, armor, special equipment, and loans on the marketplace.Strive to become the wealthiest individual in the Roman empire. There are quick and underhanded ways to make money, but your reputation and fighter’s morale may suffer as a result.Receive taunting messages from opposing bosses as well as various other messages from your fighters, staff members, and different characters as you progress through the game. Rename your gladiators in order to increase your attachment toward them.Bet for or against your gladiator based on the odds generated by bookmakers in-game. Fight purses and betting is based on the hype associated with each match. The greater the hype, the more lucrative the fight purse and betting market will be.Each game is dynamically generated and different each time. 1075eedd30 Title: Age of Gladiators II: RomeGenre: Indie, RPG, Sports, StrategyDeveloper:Creative Storm EntertainmentPublisher:Creative Storm EntertainmentRelease Date: 21 Aug, 2018 Age Of Gladiators II: Rome Download Nosteam age of gladiators 2 rome free download. age of gladiators ii rome wiki. age of gladiators 2 rome torrent. age of gladiators ii rome pc. let's play age of gladiators ii rome. age of gladiators ii rome pc gameplay. age of gladiators ii rome fr. age of gladiators 2 rome wiki. age of gladiators ii rome gameplay. contact me age of gladiators ii rome. age of gladiators ii rome mods. age of gladiators ii rome. age of gladiators ii rome guide. age of gladiators ii rome tradução. age of gladiators 2 rome crack. age of gladiators ii rome download. age of gladiators 2 rome tipps. age of gladiators 2 rome spolszczenie. age of gladiators ii rome review. age of gladiators rome 2. age of gladiators 2 rome tips. age of gladiators ii rome system requirements. age of gladiators ii rome tipps. age of gladiators 2 rome review. age of gladiators 2 rome cheat table. age of gladiators 2 rome download. age of gladiators 2 rome cheats. age of gladiators 2 rome tips and tricks. age of gladiators 2 rome walkthrough. age of gladiators ii rome torrent. age of gladiators 2 rome trainer. age of gladiators ii rome cheat table. age of gladiators ii rome español. age of gladiators ii rome *2018*. age of gladiators 2 rome gameplay. age of gladiators 2 rome fame. age of gladiators 2 rome patch. age of gladiators ii rome cheat engine. age of gladiators 2 rome skidrow. age of gladiators in rome youtube. age of gladiators 2 rome indir. age of gladiators 2 rome female. age of gladiators ii rome cheats. age of gladiators ii rome tips. age of gladiators 2 rome cheat engine. age of gladiators rome gameplay. age of gladiators 2 rome fame stuck at 8000. age of gladiators ii rome v1.0. age of gladiators ii rome trainer. age of gladiators ii rome steam. age of gladiators 2 rome release date. age of gladiators ii rome deutsch. age of gladiators ii rome gameplay fr. age of gladiators 2 rome guide. age of gladiators ii rome patch fr. age of gladiators 2 rome mods. age of gladiators ii rome test. age of gladiators 2 rome console commands. age of gladiators ii rome igg. age of gladiators ii rome free. age of gladiators ii rome skidrow I trust the Devs constant updates will raise this games overall a full letter grade. From about a C- to a B-. Since i love Gladiator games this is great for me. So this game has potential as long as the dev continues to make needed changes.. As a fan of sim-style management games, this one is the champion of its genre. The exciting thing is that it's early in development and has much room and creative space for design improvements. The developer is as responsive as he is tireless to meet the community's needs; whether it be small bug fixes or longer term vision for the game. As it exists currently, it is a challenging experience that enables you to customize your gladiators skills and abilities while at the same time fighting for the survival of your ludus both financially and against your zealous foes. A in-game quest system allows for decision making choices which may or may not have positive influences in the long term. You will never have the same game twice, thus the replayablilty aspect offers many hours of enjoyment. I'm satisfied with the modest fee I paid to play this game. The thrills of finding that rare, beast-like gladiator in the forests of Gaul to add to my ludus is enough to justify the cost. And since this game is only a shell of what it will become, the potential alone is added value.Thank you Creative Storm Entertainment for taking a chance with this genre and succeeding. On to Rome Champion!!!. When I first saw this game on the special sale list, I quickly brushed it off as something lame, until I saw some of the bad reviews. When I read some of the bad reviews, I thought ok, this is coming off as a bit whiny, mostly about bad graphics or poor game play. So I decided to put down $20 and see what this game is about, After all I've paid way more for much worse, as we all have. After playing for about an hour its really not a bad game, yeah it has a few bugs, but nothing game breaking. The graphics are nothing special but not terrible. The game is mostly a gladiator mangament game set during roman times, You have to hire trainers, buy gladiators, build certain buildings to help with that training gladiators, win matches, money and fame and in between matches events trigger that can either help you or hurt you, its kinda cool. When first starting the game it can be kinda rough but once you figure things out its smooth sailing from there. This game is definitley not for everyone but if your ok with management style games that dont have a lot of flashy graphics, give it a try. Most gamers will run and look the other way if the graphics arent flashy and shiny. This but game does have some pretty cool game play too it and the developers are adding more too it and taking suggestions, so try it out.. Absolutely love the game. Thought provoking and entertaining. Admittedly, it does become somewhat monotonous later on, but do not let that deter you from an incredible experience.. I do recommend the game altough I didnt see much diference from the first game and i also didnt like background music so much... despite that its a good sim but i would recommend getting the first one.... the second one was a good attempt but just doesnt adds much...9/10 about the game tough just think the first one is best! Latest Updates - August 27th: Smaller updates today.Combat - Precise, Normal and Power Attacks now show proper additions/deductions from hit chance.Combat - General human and animal kills now being tallied for barehanded kills.Game Settings - Chance of kills increased slightly for all difficultiesGame Settings - Prosperous mode much more prosperous, offering larger fight purses.Random Events - Weaponsmith improvement events now trigger. Note that I am still working furiously on the save/load and start new game bugs that are occasionally occurring as well.Thanks again for all of your amazing support thus far!. Latest Updates - August 28th: Big update today, including a fix for the stubborn start a new game bug. Start Game Bug - This is finally fixed. Players can start new games now whenever they like without locking up the game. Recruits - Added class label to recruits screen.Classic Combat - Added equipped weapon and armor icons beneath portraits.Settings - Changed most default settings on start screen to easy.Trading - Fixed bug with wounded gladiators remaining in hospital despite trading them away.Trading - Fixed bug showing wrong roster of gladiators on trade screen.Trading - Fixed bug where wounded gladiators that were traded for were not being added to injured list.Hall Of Fame - Fixed bug where gladiators that were released were not being voted into Hall Of Fame. Retirement - City requirement info no longer shown when retiring.Combat - New sounds for special and ethnic abilities. Weapons Training - Increased weapon damage per specialty level from 10 to 20.Weapons - Fixed bug with weapon damage on assignment. Thanks again for all of your amazing support thus far!. Quest Chains & Random Events: In the first iteration of Age of Gladiators, there were a few random events that popped up. With Age of Gladiators II: Rome, it was my intent to expand on this in order to make the world feel more dynamic and interesting.Random Events. Latest Updates - August 23rd: Smaller batch of updates this time - but lots more to come. Fight Purses - these are now progressively larger for 2v2 and 3v3 fights, providing more incentive to compete in the larger battles. Armory - space has now been increased by five slots at game start. This will not work on saved game however.Weapon Condition - this is now shown when rolling over the weapon as well as via a column in the fight start screen when equipping gladiators. Fame - fixed bug where fame was not advancing past 8000.City Invitations - The date window for city invitations is now explained a bit more on the Office screen. Thanks again for all your amazing support thus far!. New Update - Combat View, Ironman, Grid Turning: Update 1.3.6 is here! Ironman Mode - this has now been added to the game. This should hopefully add a new challenge for people! Combat View - a third view has been added: over-the-shoulder. This allows players to get right into the arena with their gladiators. This is more useful for spectating, but it can also be used for controlling gladiators as well. Combat Turning - gladiators can now spend an action point to turn a certain number of degrees in their hex. This is done by right-clicking on the grid adjacent to the next spot you wish your gladiator to turn. More to come!. Finalized Release Date: August 21st! 10% Launch Discount!: Hey all, I've finalized the release date to Tuesday, August 21st. My reason for moving it by a week is due to the fact there are some pretty heavy-hitting games coming out on the 14th (I'm giving some free advertising here to Phantom Doctrine, Walking Dead, Death's Gambit, and State of Mind). Not to mention the new World of Warcraft expansion.Though my game is sufficiently different from those, I want to give Age of Gladiators II: Rome the best release possible. Other news, I'm also offering a 10% launch discount as well.Will keep you all posted!. Latest Updates - September 3rd: Quite a few updates the last few days.Combat - Players no longer need to assign the same amount of gladiators as the AI to a fight. Meaning a player can pit a single superstar gladiator against 1, 2, or 3 enemies. This opens up a whole new dynamic of betting and money-making, as well as I believe makes for some pretty exciting matches and tests of skill.Combat - Gladiator makes sound now when throwing sand. Combat - Beasts do not convert AP into Counter-Attack chance.Combat - Hold Ground for AI gladiators now convert AP into Counter-Attack %.Combat - Fixed a bug where AI was able to attack an infinite number of times during occasional matches.Combat - Fixed bug where actions panel would sometimes disappear during use of skill or item.Combat - Fixed a bug with boast causing next player-controlled gladiator to miss turn. Barracks - Fixed error in Weapons Training upgrade description.Game - Fixed bug that prevented some decayed equipment from being removed from armory.Game - Fixed a bug where Recruit screen would crash if firing staff members. Combat - Fixed bug where healing powder and Ignore Pain weren't displaying proper values.Combat - Animal attack delay reduced slightly. Game - Decreased enemy stable sizes, which effectively increases the level speed of their gladiators. Game - Added number scale after personality traits on View Gladiator screen. Game - Fixed bug where player ethnicity was not being saved and converted into morale bonuses for gladiators. This fix is only effective on new games. Game - Fixed wording on Opposing Boss screen to reflect better reflect vs Player stats. More to come! Thanks again.. Latest Updates - March 28, 2019: Over the last 2-3 months, I've made some minor but important updates to the game. More will be coming, including additional portraits.Here's a list of the latest incremental changes made thus far:End Turn button renamed to End Day.Forfeiting matches not longer counts as a loss.Gladiators now properly receiving morale during match wins.Weapons and armor costs have been lowered.Removed healing powder from game.Slaves no longer receive a salary at year end.Slaves can be promoted to no longer be slaves. This button can be found beneath the Donate button on the Gladiator view screen. Sell Gladiators - Gladiators can now be sold. To do so, look for a button under their portrait on the View Gladiator screen called "Get Offers". There, other bosses will provide offers to buy a gladiator, with the price determined by fame, wins, and how much the other boss wants them. Some consideration will have to made as to whether or not you want to sell your prized gladiator to a boss in the same city as you.Fixed a freezing bug where the AI was attempting to train weapons points for the new Barbari class.Adjustments made to Barracks screen in order to fit elements better.Added new information to mail system. Thanks again for the support and hope everyone is having fun!. Launch Time! 10% Discount! Bundle Discount For Previous Owners!: Hey all, I have launched the game moments ago.For all previous owners of the first game, there is also an additional discount if you purchase it through the bundle here: Pit Fighter Bundle I hope you all enjoy the game!I will be updating and improving it in the months to come!
Age Of Gladiators II: Rome Download Nosteam